Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two more 14ers!

Work didn't seem very appealing today so I went on a hike with Jon VanNoy. We summited two 14ers - Grays Peak (14,270 feet) and Torreys Peak (14,267 feet). It was a phenomenal hike. At about 13,000 feet the light-headedness started, but I trodded along. That's where everyone starts going a lot slower. It's almost as if you're watching people hike in slow motion. We made it to the top of Grays and it was an incredible rush. Being at that altitude is quite a high. (pun intended) Maybe it has something to do with lack of oxygen to the brain, but also with a sense of accomplishment. We decided to go for Torreys peak as well, and climbed across the saddle and then up a steep ascent. Again, the top of Torreys was another huge rush. We booked it down and headed back to Denver. It was a great hike and a great day. Three down, 51 to go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun and spectacular scenery.

    I always wondered if you had experienced moments of depleted oxygen to the brain, but didn't want to say anything.

    PS -Nice ski poles

